Typeaheadmap has been updated to 1.0.1
The only change: sticky last item
Updating should not be a problem. To use the sticky last item add ‘notfound’ to your typeaheadmap config. It could look like (more example here:
$("#keys").typeaheadmap({ "source" : listofcapitals, "notfound": new Array({'k' :"Capital Does Not Exist?", 'v': "",'d': "You typed something that is not in the list"}), "key" : "k", "value" : "v", "items": 11, "listener" : function(k, v) { $("#values").val(v) $(listofcapitals).each(function(i, itm) { if (itm["k"] == k && itm["v"]==v) { $("#description").html(itm["d"]); } }) }, "displayer": function(that, item, highlighted) { return highlighted + ' (' + item[that.value] + ' )' } }) |