manager: can you do this in Java?
Team: Can you tell us some more about it?
manager: Yes but estimations and such will not work since it is fixed price and fixed scope. So it can not be done with scrum.
Team: Well you know …. manager, you

Redlab's explorations and findings of the whole wide world
manager: can you do this in Java?
Team: Can you tell us some more about it?
manager: Yes but estimations and such will not work since it is fixed price and fixed scope. So it can not be done with scrum.
Team: Well you know …. manager, you
So, I went to the Brussels Agile Tour 2013. An annual conference about agile, at least if you count two years in a row annual. It’s a relatively small conference with around 150 attendees, 5 tracks with each 5 slots. I personally consider it a good conference, because in this two years I picked up some things to take home with me. No, not gadgets or stuff from sponsors but valuable ideas to bring in practice or read up about to get deeper into them. What did I pick up this year?
Continue reading “We all do agile because it’s ‘hot’”