Reverse import tax

Hey Canada and Mexico. Would it not be better to reply with an export tax. 25% on all things that go to US.

Then they pay twice…

Electricity Price

So the price of electricity in Europe is determined by the factory with highest €/MWh rate. Imagine wages would be calculated the same way.

It would not take long before it would be changed…


According to EU MP Guy Verhofstadt do, we in Europe, produce 75% of the world vaccines. Yet only 4% of the inhabitants have gotten it.

According to the numbers we should have much more.

You know, I don’t care. I would hope they gave a lot away to countries that cannot afford buying it themselves. Europe bought around 6 vaccines per inhabitant. Which is to f******* much.

I gladly give my first dosis to a risk patient in a country that can’t afford it!!!