itextdoc 2.0.0

itextdoc has been updated to version 2.0.0

2.0.0 introduces a code styler module. This module styles Java code by colouring it like in your IDE.

By adding the attribute code=”java” to a tag, the inner text is seen as Java code. It is even possible to include a file through a new tag.

The <codepart> tag.

With the codepart tag you can designate a file that will not be seen as html and hence will not be parsed as such but for example as Java code a.

<codepart file="" code="java"/>

will do the trick.

see here for itextdoc usage and some background info

iText library developer guide

Where to start if you need to develop on the iText library itself.

First, you’ll have to check out the source code from subversion. The svn root holds a couple of things so for itext itself do

svn co itext

this will checkout the itext core trunk. If you’d like geospatial and richmedia packages you also need to checkout xtra trunk

svn co xtra

Continue reading “iText library developer guide”

iText®, XMLWorker and Maven

For the maven noobs!


How to add iText® in your pom dependencies


How to add XMLWorker in your pom dependencies
