
Bing Bong, the bells ring. Microsoft has launched a new version of LiveSearch called bing, what do we see on Google when searching ‘bing’ ? Bing on the second spot one day after launch. What do we see on Bing when searching ‘google’, all hits are something from google itself. what do we see when searching for ‘redlab’ on ? on the 8th spot

note: as with most stuff that comes from microsoft they did not make it themselves, they bought the company that did it.

Google Shell

While waiting at work for work … (yes that happens) one of my coworkers pointed out this funny site.
A google shell. A shell interface to google.
Of course Lynx is much better !!!!!!!!!

By the way, it doesn’t work with NoScript if you don’t allow to the whitelist (which I will not do for my one reasons, so stick to Lynx and FF with NoScript)