iText® PDF Demo

To show of the capabilities of iText® and PDF we at have created a demo to show off the interactive features of PDF and to show of the fact that you can create it with iText® of course

The demo allows you to add your company data (a logo inclusive) and create an invoice for it, you can select different products that should show up on the invoice (thus your purchase). All of this is done inside the PDF !

See the demo or a how to use the demo.

Note: the colours of the invoice are adapted to the main colour of the logo.

While this is a demo created in Java, you could do exactly the same with iText® Sharp.

Work has begun on a second demo that will utilize new code written to transform XML to PDF. The upcoming demo will allow you to input text in a WYSIWYG editor (e.g. TinyMCE or CKEditor ) and transform it to PDF.