On second opinion, I switched back to eclipse/wtp/pdt it handles the php a bit better. At least, the php doc works here, and eclipse/wtp is smart enough to give me auto completion for self written classes, which is not the case in aptana (at least not in the free version). Configuring xampp for eclipse is not that hard to do it manually so… bye bye aptana for now. (I did not test it for Javascript yet)
Aptana Studio
While I’m a huge fan of Eclipse IDE, I recently discovered Aptana. Aptana is build on Eclipse but optimized for use with Ajax libraries and scripting languages like JavaScript, Ruby and PHP. Like they state it themselves. And you know what? It is as they say. For so far I tried it out. It works really smooth and since I’m used to eclipse it doesn’t take 30 minutes to know how everything works.
If you’re a web developer aptana is worth a try.