Fractal TDD

a talk by Steve Freeman

It seems like all to remember if you don’t already know that: When you write a test and it’s hard to write a test, that’s a sign that you need to refactor your code to allow you to write more simple tests so that you end up with test of only couple lines of code.

“Separation of concers” !!!!!

(anyway, I got a phone call half way of the talk so nothing more I can report)

Authentication and Authorization

Small summary of the Opensource Authentication and Authorization talk by Allan Foster.

First noteworhty thing: The headset didn’t work, and got replaced, and the fact that people want more and more single sign on where they can use all their different credential methods to sign on to all different things they want to sign on too. The speaker makes his talk an argument of also having a centralized authorization mechanism (XACML3).

So applications do not longer need to know how authentication is done, how the users profile is stored etc… But only need to know about authorization, “is this user allowed to perform this action on this data? YES|NO”. These rules can become very complex as we all know.  so we need this stuff centrally managed (e.g. corporate LDAP, SSO sites).

The speaker makes u huge argument for single sign on, applications should only validate an identity not do the login itself. For most applications this is easy. But the authorization is a different story. Mostly it’s coded into the application because they are very domain specific. For this there are different options like Ad Hoc (if then elses everywhere to error prone!) JEE Policy (but they are difficult to change), on URL level (downsides: most frameworks have 1 url with lots behind it, so the amount of roles is limited), Custom Policy ( writing your own is expensive, hard to maintain etc..)

So what we need is an external policy provider. But it must be extensible, flexible, centrally administrated and handle specific domain complexity. For this there is XACML3 a xml based standard for this, based on rules. The rules compiled out of resources, actions, subjects and conditions on one side and response, attributes and advice on the other side. The provider does not need to know about what kind of rules are defined in the sets, that’s for the application using the service. The service just returns a YES|NO on the questions asked. (like question: user x wants to edit data y, can it?). The questions or resources (in XACML3) can of course be very complex.

In the end Allan Foster points us to OpenAM (of ForgeRock) which is derived from Sun Access Manager what was opensourced in 2007, so OpenAM is also open source and will stay that.

I believe this is worth checking out!

DataGrids and Infinispan

Data Grids & Infinispan

a (partner)talk by Manik Surtani, lead and founder of the Infinispan project at jboss

What are they: memory storage node, connected by network, be it udp or tcp and the illusion of a lot of memory. Datagrids supposed to be very fast since they are supposed to be in memory. Of course for this they need consistent hashing (for the keys) to allow fast retrieval and a certain degree of data locality (your data close to you so the transit tiime is short.

they should be easy to use, like auto recovery, auto node detection.

What’s the main purpose of data grids?
To make your rdbms go faster, give it some degree of fault tolerance and high availability.

Data grids are usually NoSQL (Not Only SQL ) solutions. And most nosql systems have the characteristics to have good scalability, high availability, fault tolerance. etc.. However not all of them have all of these.

Infinispan is an example of a data grid. It’s built with Java and Scala, it took some concepts from the Amazon Dynamo paper. It uses consistent hashing based distribution to locate stuff. Which is a very efficient and fast. And there is no single point of failure since it’s distributed. Infinispan uses MVCC locking. Which is a highly concurrent locking mechanism. It also support XA transactions through 2 phase commit cycle and deadlock detection. Currently under development is the Atomic broadcast mechanism where for they are working together with some research groups which should allow to contain consistency and reduce the network load with 50%.

the plan is to integrate map/reduce in Infinispan, part of it is already in the Infinispan trunk.
Through hibernate search or lucene you can even query Infinispan. In the future some sort of JPA/QL will be supported.

Infinispan also flushes stuff to disk to be able to recover after a crash. This a pluggable mechanism so one can create it’s own persistence mechanism.

Infinispan supports different eviction techniques. From fifo, lifo to other obscure new techniques.

The API is fairly simple it’s akey value store hence it’s like a map. there are talks about other high level API’s to allow Infinispan to be used with other languages.
Every method to talk to Infinispan have an async equivalent which return a java.util.concurrent.Future

Manik mentions that if you happen to be using jboss cache or ehcache configuring Infinispan happens the same way. i wonder, who the hell is still using JBoss Cache…

Infinispan supports REST, Memcached (text based protocol, nice commercial move since memcahced is widely used in different languages) and Hot Rod(wtf?) as communication protocol. It uses netty for creating server sockets, (netty is a nio server framework).

Hot Rod is a wire protocol for client server communication. Developed for Infinispan itself. It’s memchaced like but it is binary and not text based. And it’s a 2-way protocol, meaning that both client and server talk to each other. Hot Rod clients have built in fail-over, load-balancing and smart routing. The server can share the consistent hashes algorithms to allow a client to pick a server that is closer by or will already contain the key of the data so that one server does not have to reroute to the server that should actually contain the data. The client can already decide to send to the right server.

the first version of Infinispan is version 4.0.0, Manik does not want to bore the audience with why that is. But I’ll tell you. JBossCache was his previous project and went to 3.x.x. Infinispan is actually the predecessor of JBossCache which is a tree cache (resulting in lot of problems) so they started almost from scratch for Infinispan.

Nice note is that on network failure between couple nodes Infinispan does not know what to do but you can write your own callback handlers for that 🙂