iText® PDF Demo

To show of the capabilities of iText® and PDF we at have created a demo to show off the interactive features of PDF and to show of the fact that you can create it with iText® of course

The demo allows you to add your company data (a logo inclusive) and create an invoice for it, you can select different products that should show up on the invoice (thus your purchase). All of this is done inside the PDF !

See the demo or a how to use the demo.

Note: the colours of the invoice are adapted to the main colour of the logo.

While this is a demo created in Java, you could do exactly the same with iText® Sharp.

Work has begun on a second demo that will utilize new code written to transform XML to PDF. The upcoming demo will allow you to input text in a WYSIWYG editor (e.g. TinyMCE or CKEditor ) and transform it to PDF.

Note to self, set NLS parameters for Oracle DB Clients

We had to import an sql script delivered by a US based company in an Oracle 11g database. Everything went fine except for to_timestamp function that had letter code month values. All to_timestamps with MAR for March failed. As not being a dba I searched around bit and found out that the database we’re importing in should be set to American language and American Territory. Quite logic actually.

But it didn’t help.
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0x20 – newline

NewLine is a small conference organised by the hackerspace in Ghent to celebrate their first year of existence.

Things picked up on NewLine worth to visit or test.

Loadays – Linux open admin days

Tor – what is tor: a solution for not being seen on the internet. Tor was started by the us navy with the intent of more anonymity for their spies. You can setup a node to join the tor network. Tor is a socks proxy interface but a proxy alone is not enough, there still are cookies etc. But the tor network routes your traffic encrypted through at least 3 nodes. To setup your box to.use tor, you have to setup a proxy to connect all connections to tor. To be truly secure also a web proxy that filters http headers ( pollipo ) and set your dns’s to pass dns request also through the tor network is required. There also is a FireFox extensions to setup your FireFox settings the right way for tor.

Mesh networking. Routing different wireless networks to make one big network. Around Barcelona the people in towns use wifree (wi-free?) a mesh routing network for connecting to the internet because the ADSL is to slow. There is a network like this in Gent.

Some pictures:
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