No software is free and spreading that misconception is harmful…

this you should read!!

The Dead of TS

After Ircspy, also torrentspy follows:

taken from their site, in memorial:

Friends of TorrentSpy,

We have decided on our own, not due to any court order or agreement, to bring the search engine to an end and thus we permanently closed down worldwide on March 24, 2008.

Continue reading “The Dead of TS”

EU to step up sanctions on Burma(Myanmar)

Finally, and as expected.

European Union foreign ministers approved new sanctions against the Myanmar regime, including an embargo on the export of wood, gems and metals. It’s a pity that it must come from the EU again and not from the NATO. Although economic sanctions will mostly hit the regular population. With less money coming in the country, the people will also suffer. But perhaps, the more they suffer, the faster they will try to throw their current leaders out ( it sounds harsh but it’s true). Continue reading “EU to step up sanctions on Burma(Myanmar)”