Ant Standard Project File

Tired of carrying a stick around or rewriting it every time.

Here we’ll always find it
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They convinced me…

Remarkably, I got convinced of using (or at least try out) a Google product…

Yes! Maybe unbelievable that the above sentence comes from my hands. But GWT IS REALLY COOL!
(Read further for a summary )

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Servlet Spec 3.0

One of the other interesting things on devoxx is the presentation of the coming JCP release for Servlet Spec 3.0.

A short list of changes.

A great addition to Servlets is modularization. Not everything needs to be defined in one web.xml file. But different modules/parts of an application can now have different fragmented

web.xml. In the same time there will be support for Annotations that can define stuff you would normally define the in web.xml file.

@WebServlet (value=”/shoppingcart”)

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