Daily WTF

A colleague of mine recently got a question from some one he’s working with on a big Java project at a company he’s stationed for the moment:

Q: if I have a Long with value 1615 and divide it with another long with value 1000, where did the numbers behind the . go ?

“als ik een long1=1615 deel door long2=1000, waar zijn mijn nummers na de comma naartoe?”

Answer by my colleague: read the SCJP book

When he told me this I really was rofling!
Unfortunatly the questionairre really ment it. I, perhaps, should have been crying instead of laughing. My condoleances, my dear colleague that you have to program together with that kind of Java ‘programmers’

Maven 3

I knew i did not had to write down anything, I saw Joachim do it al for me!

Check out his post on Bejug Maven3 session read the post

Memory Profiling On Applications

Last week I was stress testing a webapplication. While putting heavy load to the server, the server went Oom (Out Of Mana… , euh Memory) . That was a quick stress test. The testing task quickly changed into a debugging task.
Finding the leak isn’t an easy task. With just looking at a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error you wont find it. You’ll need a profiler or a heapdump inspection tool.

I decided to go for the profiler. A year ago I tried the netbeans internal profiler, that was a very nice profiler but it’s a pain to import projects into NB that don’t follow it’s standards. So this time, no NetBeans.
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