iText 5.1.1 Released

Last week we released iText 5.1.1® and XMLWorker 1.0.0

XMLWorker 1.0.0 is the first version of the XMLWorker that creates decent PDFs for HTML without absolute positioning. It’s ideal to parse small snippets of HTML/CSS to PDF. I’d like to ask every one who’s using it to give feedback/ask question if you have a question on the mailinglist and/or report bugs on the sourceforge tracker. The development of the XMLWorker is not in an end phase so we still need your input!
In iText there were some bugs fixed, also thanks to things we discovered with creating the XMLWorker. Check the release notes here.

XMLWorker 1.0.0 a preview

Next week we’ll release XMLWorker 1.0.0.

We think it’s ready enough to call it a 1.0.0 (which is only a number but… still marks kind of a milestone in the project.). We will also release an new iText version (5.1.1) there are some small bugs fixed and XMLWorker 1.0.0 will only work from iText 5.1.1 on.

The previous release 0.9.2 was an early bird view. A lot has changed since last month. The major changes are:

Continue reading “XMLWorker 1.0.0 a preview”


Mailinglist mails on itext-questions

Sometimes we receive things like:

Dear all,
Fedora packagers have one big problem. The code is licensing on AGPL for
all this project?


By Gossling, they have only 1 big problem, they are lucky !

How do we react to that… saying yes it’s AGPL. And saying they are lucky to have only one problem. The problem isn’t even explained.

Do I care that Fedora packagers have problem? no not really. I even wonder why the hell they want to package iText® in a linux distro. It’s a Java library, application deployers/developers add it to their lib folder or application server library folder, (or even add it through OSGI now). I’ve never used in linux distro embeded java libraries. I add them myself (preferably with maven) then I know what has been added.