A new year for new ideas

Oh yes

run BrainApp.end(2007);
run BrainApp.restart(2008);

A fresh brain full of new ideas for a fresh new year. However some of the braincells are probably killed in the heavy old 2 new years night, so it might not be that fresh after all. Continue reading “A new year for new ideas”

Bored on 31-12-2007 ?

Don’t be !

Come party


Some kind of open source version of a party !


Time for another post?

Not that I have the time, since I’m studying for IDE. I mean SCJP. Soon the ‘truth’ will be there. Will I be certifiëd or not…

Friday we wil know. It prolly don’t interest you, the reader, but it does interest me and my future employer, which will be beanpole. Huray !