A commuters context framework

During commuting you see a lot if people reading a book or a newspaper. But the geek or nerd that I am keeps on programming.
This led to another ‘invention of the wheel’. I wrote my own CDI ( not or not yet JSR-299 compatible) framework.
Probably nobody is waiting for that and certainly not since it’s not compatible with Spring nor Java EE cdi. But what the heck, I don’t care. I had fun writing it and that’s what it’s all about. Of course it would be even more fun if somebody else finds it usable.

Project info:
License: Apache 2.0 (of course!)
Project on sourceforge here
Wiki and bugtracker here
CI on Cloudbees here
Javadoc here
Maven Site here

Why would I use it?
1. For small applications that don’t do much Java CDI and Spring could be to much overhead. Using a fairly simple look-a-like that is more lightweight will be less overhead while you can still benefit from some kind of CDI. (e.g. for small swing apps )
2. It’s basic framework, easy to understand and extend.
3. It’s in Java 7 ( although it might run under 6, haven’t tried that )

Why did I create it?
I don’t really like the way that Java CDI forces you to create a wildgrow of annotations. I much more prefer the way Spring let you do injections but I’m not fond of the total Spring package. So perhaps the redlab-context project is an answer to both. And I have fun creating it while traveling.

If I use it myself (which I will do), I’ll probably discover some shortcomings and enhance it.

Things that are on the roadmap are to provide support for integration with Spring, Java CDI and your own stuff.
Oh and write some wiki pages with documentation. Not the most fun stuff to write but how would you otherwise know how to use it.

Currently you can’t get it from the Central Maven repository yet but you can download it from sourceforge. If my own usage proves it’s allright for using it, I’ll perhaps upload it to Maven Central

Dagelijkse kijk van aan de andere kant van het kantoor

As requested by @wk_yuen

Another view outside the office (although the blinds are almost always closed when I’m looking to my right)


Dagelijkse kijk van aan de andere kant van het kantoor

In reply to ruudii
