JRebel 5.0

Yeah JRebel 5 is there.

If you work with Eclipse the first thing you notice is the improved integration. You no longer manually have to generate the rebel.xml file. Activating the rebel on a project only requires 1 click, saving you more time to code. Not that much more but it’s much more convenient and easier to deploy.

Also the remote and livedeploy integration seems really improved. I regret that I can’t really use it at the moment to test it out. At my current employer they stick to old school building.

I even have trouble to convince the developers to try out JRebel, 2 tried it, then got back to waiting on deployments and restarts don’t know why. Although it’s currently saving me between 11 to 15h each 30 days. Maybe I’m more nerd/geek than them, way more.

Every developer should give it a try!

Extending Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead Plugin

Update: also read this post

In twitter bootstrap there is a JQuery plugin for auto completion. It’s called bootstrap-typeahaed. Typeahead uses an array of strings as datasource and is easily activated with in it’s simplest form 1 line of code.

$("#inputboxselector").typeahead({ "source":arrayOfStrings})

It’s very easy to use but somewhat limited. We needed a slightly different functionality.

Our use case:

  • 2 inputboxes, one for postal code (the numeric form) and one inputbox for the community that has that postal code.
  • In Belgium different communities can have the same postal code, and the right community should be selected on selecting a postal code. Or the right postal code should be selected on selecting a community.
  • Show both the code an city in the autocomplete but only do autocomplete and highlighting on one of the fields depending on the inputbox.

The typeahead plugin is not suited for that. It only takes an array of strings and sets the selected value in the input box. We have an array of objects.
Objects like

{ "code":"9000", "city":"Gent"}

We wanted to use typeahead instead of any other existing JQuery plugin since we’re already using twitter bootstrap.

To achieve this I extended, (actually more copied and altered) typeahead. The result is here. I called it typeaheadmap. It works just like bootstrap typeahead except that you have to add 2 more parameters to typeahead options object. Include bootstrap-typeaheadmap.js (+ JQuery 1.7+) and typeaheadmap.css (+ bootstraps base css) to use it.

View a demo
Read on for a usage example Continue reading “Extending Twitter Bootstrap Typeahead Plugin”

Playing with bootstrap

Some guys over at Twitter created a base CSS and jQuery framework that really fun to use. Especially for not really design minded people like me.

When using Twitter bootstrap your site looks awesome in no time and adding JavaScript interactivity like tabs, drop downs and more gets easy as drinking a beer.

Really worth to check it out! I think these guys have started a new standard.