iText® XLMWorker 0.9.2

Today we have released 0.9.2 of the XMLWorker!

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Note: We have not yet added this project to maven central.

Some of the changes taken from commit messages:

  1. * Body -> now uses nonewlineparagraph
    * xml.parser…. takes namespaces into account. tag <ns:atag> now submitted as ‘atag’ with namespace ‘ns’
  1. Rowspan fix when determining and comparing the width of cell with its predeseccors. Rowspan is now checked not only for the current column, but for the following columns as well.
  1. * Table / TableData / TableRowElement – revised Table after receiving IndexOutOfBounds – table should now keep working even with inner non table tags. e.g. a <p> in <table>, they will all be taken as caption for the table though. – Table code adapted to allow page-break-before on <table> – didn’t test what happens when it’s on <td>’s yet. | Note: Emiel should revise my changes here
    * XMLWorkerHelper – removed deprecated methods
    * this commit also adds some javadoc
  1. * pom: add osgi data
    * xmlworker-html: allow parsing snippets with no root tag
    * page-break-before can add Chunk element to currentContent list -> stackKeeping processors should check for other then the expected elements (like in OrderUnoderedList ) – probably need to check that in Table tag processor too ) —
  1. the dummy tag processor should really be a dummy. Now it is, it does not call code from AbstractTagProcessor

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