I recently updated all my eclipses on all my workstations to Ganymede, of course this requires reinstalling my favorite plug-ins (or non favorite but mandatory :p)
I like Ganymede( 3.4) more then 3.3. E.g. The mouse-over javadoc shower got enhanced, the updater (for eclipse and plugins) works better and to my feeling, Eclipse handles background processes better then before( this could of course only be an impression).
All of these are installed on JEE Version of Eclipse.
Of course as a PHP developer/lover, PDT can not be excluded from installation!
The PDT project provides a PHP Development Tools framework for the Eclipse platform.It encompasses all development components necessary to develop PHP and facilitate extensibility. It leverages the existing Web Tools Project in providing developers with PHP capabilities.
Together with PDT, I install the Zend-Debugger to debug certain stuff locally.
For Java stuff I install FindBugs to do a quick check up on malicious code design. (which shouldn’t occur to much.) I used to run PMD on my projects too but was to lazy to configure what it has to report and what not and switch to FindBugs which does about the same thing but with less noise.
For teaming I use subclipse which is evolving into a very nice integrated svn-client. However I also use TortoiseSVN on my Windows workstations instead of integrated sublipse.
Depending on the needs I also install some tools from JBoss Tools project. (Like Hibernate Tools).
If you like WYSIWYG editors for Swing, AwT, GWT, … I can advise WindowBuilder it’s no free but try it, and you’ll like it.
I surely lack some, but for that I’ll need to check my old eclipse intallation and I will add them later. Let me know if you think there is a plugin I should check out!